Monday Jun 26, 2023
How Should I Respond to Those Who Claim God Told Them to Do Something?
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Questions about the best way to tactically and tactfully respond to those who claim God told them to do something and how to get one’s emotions under control when talking to a friend who joined a heretical group that preaches another gospel about her false doctrines.
What’s the best way to tactically and tactfully respond to someone’s claim that God spoke to them or told them to do something?
My friend has joined a heretical group that preaches another gospel, and I have sufficient knowledge to talk to her about her false doctrines, but how do I get my emotions under control?
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Is It Okay to Pray with a Christian Who Believes His Words Create Things?
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Questions about whether it’s okay to pray with a Christian who believes his words create things and how to be sure we don’t cross the line into performing sympathetic magic when engaging in spiritual warfare.
Would you have a problem praying with a Christian who believes his words create/manifest things?
How can we be sure we don’t cross the line into basically performing sympathetic magic when engaging in spiritual warfare?
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Why Does God Require Sacrifice after Sin?
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Questions about why God requires sacrifice after sin, why God had to adhere to sin’s death penalty such that he had to devise a plan of substitutionary atonement, and how we’re able to grieve the Holy Spirit with our sin if God doesn’t see our sin.
Why does God require sacrifice after sin, and is Genesis 3:21 an example of this?
Why does sin have the power of death, and why did God have to adhere to sin’s death penalty such that he had to devise a plan of substitutionary atonement?
If God doesn’t see our sin because of the blood of Jesus, how are we still able to grieve the Holy Spirit when we sin?
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Is Abortion Just a Culture-War Issue, Not a Biblical One?
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Questions about how to respond to the pro-choice objections that unborn babies have no rights, that abortion is not a black or white issue, that other people having abortions won’t affect your life personally, and that abortion is a culture-war issue, not a biblical one.
How would you respond to the pro-choice objections that unborn babies have no rights, that abortion is not a black or white issue, and other people having abortions won’t affect my life personally?
Is abortion a culture-war issue, not a biblical one?
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Anyone Worthy of Worship Wouldn’t Want It
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Questions about how to respond to the idea that anyone worthy of worship wouldn’t want it and anyone requiring worship doesn’t deserve it and whether it’s appropriate to do good deeds with the intent of earning a reward in Heaven.
How would you respond to the idea that anyone worthy of worship wouldn’t want it and anyone requiring worship doesn’t deserve it?
If our good deeds on earth earn us a reward in Heaven, is it appropriate to do such deeds with the intent of earning a reward in Heaven, or should our intent be focused on making a difference here on earth?
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
How Do I Begin My Journey to Become an Apologist?
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Questions about how to begin one’s journey to become an apologist and whether, in light of Jesus driving people who were buying and selling out of the temple in Matthew 21:12, it’s okay for speakers to sell their books in churches.
How do I begin my journey to become an apologist?
In light of Jesus driving people who were buying and selling out of the temple in Matthew 21:12, is it okay for speakers to sell their books in churches?
Monday Jun 05, 2023
How Can God Not Know What He’s Chosen Not to Know?
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Questions about whether the view that Jesus didn’t know the time of his return because he limited his omniscience is the same as Open Theism, when Jesus became aware he was the Son of God, and whether Jesus wants to be “served.”
Is the view that Jesus didn’t know the time of his return because he limited his omniscience the same as Open Theism? How can God not know what he’s chosen not to know?
When did Jesus become aware he was the Son of God?
You really believe Jesus wants to be “served”?
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
How Would You Explain God’s Omnipresence to a Six-Year-Old?
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Questions about how to explain God’s omnipresence to a six-year-old, how it could make sense for God to identify as male if the definition of “male” is rooted in biology, why the thief’s statement to Jesus on the cross got him into the kingdom, and a program for teaching logic.
How would you explain God’s omnipresence to a six-year-old?
If the definition of male and female is rooted in biology, how does it make sense for God to identify as male?
What is it in the statement the thief on the cross makes to Jesus in Luke 23:42 that triggers his entry into the kingdom?
What’s a good program to teach logic with a Christian flavor to high school students?
Monday May 29, 2023
Why Would God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart against the Israelites?
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Questions about why God would harden Pharaoh’s heart against the Israelites and how to reconcile what modern science says about human nature being inherently good with the Bible’s claim that we’re born inherently evil.
Why would God harden Pharaoh’s heart against the Israelites?
Is there a way to reconcile what modern science says about our being born good with what the Bible says about our being born inherently evil?
Thursday May 25, 2023
Would the Gospel Be Good News if Hell Didn’t Exist?
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Questions about whether the gospel would be good news if Hell didn’t exist and what to say to someone who responds to evidence for Christianity by saying, “The Bible’s bad for society,” and doesn’t seem to be interested in the evidence.
Would the gospel be good news if Hell didn’t exist?
What should I say to someone who responds to the evidence I offer for the truth of Christianity by saying, “The Bible’s bad for society,” and doesn’t seem to be interested in the evidence?
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